Degree award
The postgraduate student, who passed all the course exams and was successfully evaluated in the presentation of his thesis, receives the MSc SURGICAL ONCOLOGY OF THE DIGESTIVE TRACT ” ).
The duration of study is defined as a minimum of four (4) academic semesters. . Postgraduate students are required to complete one hundred and twenty (120) credits (ECTS), as follows:
- Sixty (60) credits (ECTS) from successfully attending the courses offered in the first, second and third semester.
- Sixty (60) credits (ECTS) from the design, preparation, writing and successful presentation of the Master’s Thesis.
During the studies, postgraduate students are required to a) attend and successfully examine the taught courses, b) attend outpatient clinics and attend surgeries c) prepare a postgraduate thesis which can be a review or research paper.
The grade of the Graduate Diploma (M.S.) results from the weighted average of the P.P.S. courses. and of the Master’s Thesis (the weighting is done by the credit units of the courses and the thesis) and is calculated, to the second decimal place, in the following way:The grade of each course and the Master’s Thesis (where provided), is multiplied by the corresponding number of credits (ECTS) and the sum of the products is divided by the minimum number of credits required to receive the MSc
Grade of MSc= sum of products (grade of each course x corresponding ECTS of each course) + (grade of postgraduate thesis x ECTS)
The teaching language of the Program will be Greek and the language of the thesis can be either Greek or English. All relevant procedures, announcements, admissions selection process, course schedule, examination process, will be conducted in the Greek language.
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